6 Website Design Mistakes That Can Hurt Your SEO Rankings

Website Design

Businesses frequently place the most significant emphasis on the website’s design, including how it looks and whether it communicates a consistent brand image. However, you shouldn’t undervalue the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO) in attracting clients and generating leads. Your SEO campaign’s effectiveness may suffer by having a poor website design and making UX mistakes.


Important SEO elements must be incorporated in the early phases of the website design process to attract organic traffic naturally. Therefore, avoiding mistakes that could harm your SEO is important to ensuring a highly-ranked website. You can choose the best web designing services in the UK or by yourself, which is a little difficult. This blog post lists a few common web design mistakes that could harm your SEO ranking.

6 Website Design Mistakes That Can Harm Your SEO Ranking

You should refrain from producing an inaccurate and challenging-to-use website that hurts the SEO and provides a subpar user experience. The best course of action is to work with one of the top web design and development companies in Dublin. To achieve the best SEO ranking, you should steer clear of these common web design mistakes:

1. Unclear or No CTA

A business can make one of the most frequent web design errors by failing to consider a solid and prominent call-to-action (CTA). The CTA should be persuasive and compelling, with clear directions that lead the user. A CTA button cannot say “Click Here” or any other unclear phrase.

To encourage readers to click on it, you should draw attention to it as much as possible and ensure the website design complements it. In addition, you should include a call to action that will pique the viewer’s interest, like “Get Your Copy Now.”


2. Poor Website Navigation

Visitors to your website who don’t completely understand it or your product may leave. It will harm both their web experience and your company’s credibility. In addition, the design of your website and how user-friendly it is will affect how search engines ultimately rank your website. It would be best to employ a top web design agency to handle this problem so that experts can resolve it.

Users and search engine crawlers cannot navigate your site if it has hidden navigation in the hamburger menu or lacks a correct navigation structure. Our expert web designers use the traditional navigation menu embedded at the top of the screen and XML sitemaps to aid search algorithms in navigating your website.


3. Slow Page Loading Speed

The loading speed of your website is another factor that must be considered. Even if a website contains all the necessary web design elements, if it takes longer than three seconds to open, users are likely to leave and go to another website that provides the same thing.

Before your website is made publicly available, test its performance. For example, if the images and text load instantly on your website, you might want to check it out on different platforms.


4. Poorly-designed 404-error Page

404-error pages are typically disregarded even though they are the pages of a website that are most frequently viewed. Your visitors will likely feel lost, frustrated, and unsure of what to do next if your 404 website is poorly designed. Conversely, a well-designed 404 page can significantly increase user engagement and retention.

To increase your website’s SEO ranking and generate more clicks, analyse your website to determine the web pages to point visitors where they might ultimately convert. For example, two frequent instances are subscribing to a newsletter or sending visitors back to the home page.


5. Website Not Optimised for Mobile Devices

Not considering the website’s mobile device accessibility is another web design mistake that will hurt your SEO. After all, mobile devices now account for the majority of website traffic. Therefore, mobile-friendliness is an essential aspect of website optimisation for online businesses.

People who browse your website will become frustrated if they can’t view a web page because your website design is not mobile-friendly. Therefore, ensure regardless of the mobile platforms your prospective customers are using; they should be able to browse your website with the best clarity and accessibility.


6. Cluttered Web Design

The enemy of web design inspiration is clutter. Designers can be tempted to overstuff the website with design components. However, it hurts your SEO more than you might imagine. Due to the abundance of information displayed to website visitors, they may become confused and unable to identify particular information. Visitors will not return to your website again because of the visual overload they will encounter.

Visitors might not hesitate to leave and look for a similar website that provides the same thing but with a simple web design and easy-to-navigate website rather than browsing the web pages.


For a website to perform better in search results, it must have a good website design. According to a report by Statista, five million people use the internet regularly worldwide, and about 93% of these individuals start their day by using a search engine.

You must plan your web design that satisfies the search engine algorithm to perform well on search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, you can quickly boost your SEO ranking and online presence. Therefore, having a decent SEO-friendly website is now necessary rather than just desirable.

SRVATECH is a well-renowned web design and development agency known for providing the best web design services in the UK Our expert web designers make sure to avoid web design mistakes that could harm the SEO ranking. So, contact SRVATECH today if you’re looking to revamp your existing website or build a new one. We will ensure you get a personalised website and stay on top of SERPs. Also, head to our blog section to learn more about web design for small businesses.


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